Monday, October 26, 2009Hey again!
Haha thanks for the emails! Even if you almost did forget...have I really been gone that long? haha
Sounds like Disneyland was a blast! I'm glad everyone got healthy and you were able to go. How many vacations does that make since i left? 10? 20? Its like you just waited for me to leave to have all the fun haha.
Mmm and In n OUt sounds delicious right now. The food here isnt bad or anything, just the same thing everyday makes a good hamburger sound amazing.
I cant wait to get the package! That is so exciting. Thank you so much!
Everything still going good here. The new couple arrived this week, they are super nice. They are Elder and Sister Leavitt from Arizona I think. They told me they lived in Highlands Ranch for 5 yrs though, about ten years ago. They were in the lone peak ward or something like that. Anyway, really like them. They took the photos to send them from Benin so that probably got sent today or tommorrow (i guess its more reliable there) so watch out for those. Also, they took your home phone number to skype you and let you know i'm not dead or too deformored or something but I dont think you know what that is so you can have sydney explain skype to you and get you signed up.
Anyway the week went pretty well. We're working hard now to work with the members here, they arent too active in missionary work so we're trying to get them involved (but any ward here is muuuuuch better at missionary work than back in CO. You gotta get that goin!). Hedzranawoe is easily the least developed branch in Togo (our assistance this week was 63 as compared with Tokoins 226) so we're really working to strengthen the branch. We've scheduled to go out with the leaders this week and teach wit them, so hopefully that will create some enthousiasm about missionary work. I'm excited!
What else? From what we know elder bowmans companion is scheduled to get here later this week so that will break up this threesome we've been in for 6 weeks. I dont know if Elder Kouakou will be transferred at the same time (hes been here 6 months) or if we'll stay together a little longer. I guess we'll see. Elder Bowman probably wont be here much longer either, apparently President told him he is going to CDI soon too.
Well thats about it. We'v been working on finding new investigators because we've baptised all of ours that were progressing so that will continue this week. I've still been leading everything but thats not even a big deal anymore, i've got the hang of it. I can talk on the phone without too much trouble too so i think i'm progressing at least a little bit.
I'm so grateful for my Heavenly Father and the help he's given me since I've been here. I've been blessed in so many different ways and I love every moment that I'm a missionary. I'm still perfectly healthy (thats for mom) and ready to work hard again this week. I love you all and I'll write you again next week!
Elder Bertoch
PS Dont know if I ever told you this but I see Bro Albrechtsons nephew pretty often. Hes in Togo too. Hes really cool, I got here and he said he knows me somehow and it turns out it was him. Small world.
In the MTC - Sam is kneeling down in front on the left pointing to the Ivory Coast in West Africa
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